Within the comparison of the countries Mexico, Spain, and the United States, it is clear to see that there are some cultural differences that are prominent in some of these countries rather than others. It can be shown in the power distance area that higher ups in Mexico seem to make more decisions in regards to education where it seems to be more evenly split in the United States and Spain. This means that in the United States and Spain, more people have a choice in how students are being educated. The individualism aspect seems to be most prominent in the United States since its score was overall a 91 where as Spain had 51 and Mexico had 30. This shows that the individual needs of students within the United States needs are probably met more individually where as they are probably met as a group in countries like Mexico or Spain. 

Both Mexico and United States are seen as achievement given countries where as the Spain is somewhat of the opposite. Mexico and Spain can be seen as being able to adapt to change since they had significantly higher scores in the uncertainty Avoidance category. All three countries seem to be closer to short term orientation rather than long term since they seem to be more focused on the present. There is a big range that can be seen for the indulgence which shows that Mexico is very comfortable with indulgence while Spain is closer to the opposite meaning they do not try to seek out extra help when needed. The United States is closer to the middle in this category. 

Some of the different ways in which teachers can scaffold for collectivism would be through the use of having students learn about cultures other than their own. This means that everyone should be in an environment where they are able to equally learn about these different cultures without solely focusing on one specific culture. This can also be done by allowing them to see how not everything is done the same in other cultures. This can allow for more transparency so that these students see that their way isn’t the only way of learning. One scaffolding method I feel as though I can put in place would be the use of having translations from culturally divers students next to English text so that everyone is able to follow along.